The third work of my series called "Reality Render", dedicated to a popular Mexican metaphor (and dedicated to many people I've met)
"In a market stall where there were three buckets with crabs, two of these buckets were covered, then the customer who was going to buy asked the manager why two of these were covered?
—"The answer is very simple," said the merchant, "you see, the two covered buckets are of gringos and Japanese crabs, I have them covered because when a gringo crab wants to climb, it does and jumps; the other bucket is of Japanese crabs, when one tries to climb out of it, the others help him by organizing themselves by supporting one another until they form a pyramid that serves as a ladder through which he escapes and manages to leave
—"The third bucket?"
—Ah! that third bucket I have discovered because it is of Mexican crabs, when a crab tries to get out, the others pull it down and can not do it."